17X Career Development

17x cyberspace operations officer

“I’m all about empowering people. How do we empower people to take ownership of their own career and do an honest assessment of where they stand?” – Brig Gen Heather Blackwell, Director of Cyberspace & Information Dominance, HQ Air Combat Command A6 When Brig Gen Heather Blackwell spoke those words in an interview about building a…

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Kessel Run (KREL) NOVA


Air Force UX Design Case Study – Outcomes of UX Design Approach How Air Force CyberWorx Contributes to the Mission The United States Air Force has a mission: “Fly, fight, and win — airpower anytime, anywhere.” Fly. Fight. Airpower. What images come to mind when you read the Air Force mission statement? An F-22 over…

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